Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Lingo

So… if you read the first post, you heard my embarrassing story on how I didn’t know what a western was. Yup, true story. My girl at Luck Leather Lace Love, will testify to this. You can say, that I’ve learned a few things since then, and I’m still learning. I’m just the wife to the guy that does all the adventures I blog about, but I do get to do and learn about some of these adventures with him. Here are a list of words that have an Outdoorman meaning and what I thought they meant, you will see my progress.

      Words                                Outdoorman definition                                 My first thought

v  Shed                           Antlers                                                                 A place to put storage

v  Buck                           Male deer                                                           A dollar

v  Cow                            Cow or female elk                                           An animal that says moo

v   Bull                            Bull or Male elk                                                 A cow with horns

v  Spike                           A male deer with one point                   something sharp that pops tires

v  Doe                              Female deer                                                      cookie dough or money

v  Two point                   A male deer with two points on both side       I had no idea.

v  Snare                          A type of trap                                                        No clue

v  Bale                          hay block                                                      What you post to get out of jail

This is really a short list of the many words I've learned along my journey, but I figured it was enough to get my point across. Hope it was either educational or made for a good laugh. (:

Little shoes

Part of thrifting is about spending as little as money possible. I refused to pay the $60 a pair of moccasins from Freshly Picked, so I decided to make my own.

I do not have a good tutorial for this… and I wish there was. I will be on the lookout for one. I use this free pattern from this blog, and modified it by hand to make moccasins. It literally isn’t something I could even upload because there is nothing for me to upload, it’s on the leather. So, this is a case of “I figured something out that works for me, but with no clear instructions on how to make it work for you”. Sorry… but if you follow her pattern and I did NOT sew mine by hand; you could make some really cute scalloped moccasins. I did. (:

Crochet ear warmer headbands

I learned to crochet with my grandma when I was 12 years old. I started off with making a lot of hot pads, of course square hot pads. They literally are the easiest thing to make, which is why I started with those. Years later I thought… “Hey, I know how to crochet, why I don’t I make ______ item?” Little did I know… there are many more stiches to crocheting other than chaining and double crochets.  So, as I’ve made a few more items since then, YouTube has been my best friend. I seriously don’t know how my grandma learned how to do it when she was younger. I’m a watch and do kind of girl, and she didn’t have YouTube. If you ever looked at crochet magazines or books, the instructions on how to do a stich are so confusing… so I suggest, If you want to learn and your pattern asks for stitches you don’t know, YouTube it. It literally is an awesome way to go.


I used this pattern for my crochet ear warmers… I guessed on measurements for my daughter. I used the full measurements for myself.

Pillow Case Dresses

I use this tutorial because I can usually hit Joann’s on a holiday and get sweet deals on flat quarters. I only use 4 flat quarters on the dresses I have made, but my last dress I will use bias tape for the bottom hem and the straps. I just feel like it will give it so much more. Just follow her instructions, but when she adds the 5th fabric strip, just use bias tape instead. She also has a few more ideas on how to change the finish of the dress on top. Those will add diversity to your creations.


There are just so many tutorials to watch on these… I really don’t even know which one is best, but I will add a link to one that I think will give a basic idea on how it’s done.
 Also, flowers… Most of the time, I made my own bows and some of my flowers, but every now and then I cheat. Here is a link for a shop that will give you flowers, wholesale prices, and it even has tutorials on how to create headbands for your little’s. I believe that knowledge should be shared. Enjoy.

Fabric Banners

I love the fabric banners I have made for holidays and for my daughters room. They are just a nice addition to add a little something else, as far as décor goes.

 I used this tutorial. I liked her instructions, but I will just add… measure and measure again every side before you cut. My first banner I didn’t, and I can totally tell that some of the triangles are larger than the others, luckily I think it still looks cute, but I still notice.