Saturday, July 27, 2013

Summer happenings.....

When you are married to a man that gets an itch to go out and do something all the time, you find that every season has certain activities that repeat. Prime example, my husband enjoys fishing. In the spring he will fish streams and explore new areas. Yearly I can count on at least one Lake Powell fishing trip. This year, it was a summer night fishing trip that resulted in quite a few catches. On average he and his buddy were catching 4 to 5 lbs fish. They had a blast and came back with quite the stories.
Every time my husband goes fishing, I have to plead for him not to bring back any fish. This works maybe 30% of the time. I love eating fish, but not for every meal. We happen to have enough fish in our freezer to keep me happy for SEVERAL months.

Summer time also means working on the garden, which is something Cameron likes to do. It's his daily outdoor project and I will say that he's done quite well this year.
The corn is 11ft tall... how did that happen? Needless to say, the garden is official over grown. We also have popping corn growing, we will have to see how to harvest that and see if we can make our own popcorn!

Although summer consists of a lot of swimming for most, it is also is a time for us to watch our bank accounts to see if the hubby drew out for a tag for the hunt. In our state there are only a few tags that you can buy over the counter, most tags are given out lottery style. Cameron did get a tag this year and his choice of hunting is archery. So, summer time consists of taking out the bow and getting it sited in for the season.

Luckily my husband has cousins that enjoy very similar hobbies and we make an evening of it. We load up the husbands, wives, and kids to go to the mountain, and while the boys shoot their bows we chat and relax. We call it family home evenings, it happens to be one of our favorite things to do.

Summertime is in full swing! Fall is literally just around the corner and we are clearly getting ready for it!

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